Wednesday, July 11, 2012

There is Light, in the Darkest Places

I know I may seem like a nameless Blogger, however, I am writing these posts to give encouragement, strength and determination to my readers. I want to let people know there is always hope, no matter how dark your life may seem.

I thought my life was over...that I was doomed to face a life with no existence, but in a hospital. I believed, only four years ago, I would be in a wheelchair...or a nursing home, at my age now. I never thought I would live again. How wrong I was!

I'm glad I never gave up hope, because if I had I wouldn't be living, and have the life I have now.

I've had three left knee surgeries, a gall bladder removed, two c-sections, two brain surgeries and a stem cell transplant. Never mind, the 13 different medications I took. I was frequently hospitalized, used a cane, walker, Canadian crutches and a wheelchair, at least 12 times a year. I saw neurologists, pain management specialists, urologists, brain surgeons, asthma allergy specialist, a general practitioner on a monthly basis. It was a full time job seeing all of my doctors and going to the pharmacy so frequently. I even had a home health aide which came weekly to help me around the house.

I don't see anymore doctors, other than my gynecologist.

I don't take anymore medications.

I simply take care of myself through diet, exercise and a low stress lifestyle.

I once owned a house, a business, was a full time college student and was married. However, I changed this high demand, always on the go, crazy lifestyle to be an artist. I may still go to college, but I feel the major I chose (Fine Arts), to be relaxing. In fact, I find it helps alleviate my mind, body and soul. I have sought out a career path which helps me to relax...and this is extremely important when you face a disease which thrives on stress.

I stay positive, through thinking, believing and living. I don't think, "I'm sick." Instead, I say, "I'm healthy and happy," and head to the gym. I surround myself with positive people, whom love and support me. Remember, power of the mind is will feel...what you think!

My life, these true stories, are here to motivate you into believing anything is possible, as long as you try your best. I hope and pray, my success and determination from my battles, inspires you to stand up and fight...and find a way!

Check out these links on my find out the secrets to cure MS!
Link 1 "Secret to Defeating MS"
Link 2 "How Exercise Fights Multiple Scerosis"


  1. I feel like you right now seeing all the dr's it definitely is a full-time job and an expensive one. I am still trying to figure all of this MS stuff out and hope to get to your point soon. Right now I am only taking LDN but thinking about starting Tysabri. I really don't want to take any chances. The only good thing about MS is it is different for everyone and we can all make our own choices about how we treat it. Thank you for sharing, check out my blog!!!!

  2. I never opted to even try Tysarbi because of the rebound effect. When you can't or have to stop taking Tysarbi this can be a problem. For example, if you have a relapse and take prednisone, you can't take Tysarbi and the rebound effect can happen. Here's a link which explains this.
    How is LDN? Your side effects? And is it helping?
