Thursday, March 6, 2014

Let 'Your' Story be Heard

I had an artistic epiphany the other day after doing extensive reading . . .

I want to create a participatory artistic book, capable of growing over time as stories are sent to me by ANYONE willing to participate. I am not looking for anything in particular . . . only what you are willing to share. It may be long, a few sentences, poetic, a stream of consciousness, a story . . . what you write in particular doesn't matter, as long as it's from you and it's about an experience or feeling you are willing to share. The book will be hand-bound and hopefully shown in art exhibits over time, your name is not necessary if you are uncomfortable with that, though your initials would be appreciated, as well as your city/state. If however this still makes you uncomfortable you can always use a pen name. So this book will be authored by numerous people and I would love to have YOU added. You may submit as many stories as you'd like.

To complete an online anonymous submission form follow this link.

Unfortunately my experiences alone cannot bring about great change in our shared reality - that is why I need 'youmy readers to participate in this journey with me.

Without your participation this artistic book will not be possible. Please don't feel intimidated about the way you write, grammar, style, or anything else. It is your chance to have your experience/voice heard and shared by others, and with each new entry the collaborative work gains power to evoke empathy in others and allow change and interconnectedness to happen.


length - any
form - any
feelings - any
prohibited words - none
prohibited topics - none
story - any
name - what ever you are willing to share, ie; Elizabeth Smith, E. Smith, ES, anonymous or Jane Doe
- it must be about you
- and it will never be edited
- feel free to write it out by hand, scan the story and send it
- your email or personal information will never be shared

Thank you for your time and sharing your story.

Previous post: Artistic Statement

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Doctor Prescribed Dancing

Ever have those days where your legs feel like lead weights, your feet shuffle as you walk, and the pain you're experiencing makes it hard to concentrate . . . much less do anything else? Pain can cause your days to be dreadful, wishing you were in your bed, curled up in a fetal position grasping your blanket tightly as you drift in and out of sleep . . . For me it was one of those days. Makes me wonder if my dilapidated body should be shipped off to a glue factory where it could be of use (FYI - I'm only joking).

It's getting harder and harder for me to function these days because my red blood cell count is low. I know, I know what your thinking . . . eat steak or take iron, but it's not that easy. In a recent post I wrote about my current digestive issues which prevent me eating anything other than what the doctors' are permitting. Iron or red meat will only make my constipation worse.

I recently saw a naturopathic doctor, who couldn't really suggest anything for my condition and told me I'm doing everything he would already tell me to do. His practice involved reiki and he evaluated my energy, which revealed rage. I chuckled out loud when he said this because of how true that statement is. He went on further and said that he doesn't think it's a dangerous rage, but one that needs to be released. I then explained my disappointment in the MFA program at SUNY New Paltz because I am doing more reading and writing and not creating art like I'm used to. That my art is a cathartic process which involves a narrative story, but is produced in a passive-aggressive manner. He said "Well why can't you just create art? Aren't you in art school?" I explained that there are numerous academia based assignments always due and no time. That my time at school is constantly divided and I never can fall into my work because I would need to invest at least 5 hours at a time in order to do that. He responded, "You need to remedy that and find something else in the meantime to help release this energy inside of you."

He then recommended dancing, drumming or getting a trampoline to jump up and down on.

There's a part of me that thinks he's a quack, and then there's another part of me that also sees the energy within people and how much that affects their state of mind, and further . . . their body. I know he has a valid point.

And yet I still won't be able to carry out his prescription until next week when I finally have time because it's mid-terms and I have projects, papers and readings due . . .

trust me I'd rather be dancing . . .

Recent related post: The Iron Face