I awoke in my recliner, when I heard the phone ring...It was the opthmalogist office calling, Dr. Picano's. They scheduled an emergency visit at 11am and requested that a driver accompany me to the visit. I called my mom, whom will complain about any favor, but will be there for me, if and when, its absolutely necessary.
My mother bitched and moaned about helping me, while she drove me to my appointment. She decided to wait outside with my kids. I went in the office and began the new patient forms, which always seem to be endless and pointless. Most of the questions asked don't pertain to the problem your having and ask ridiculous amounts of information about your extended family's history. Jeepers...do they really read all of this?
I was called in shortly and handed my paperwork to the assistant who led me into a room with an eye machine. She had me place my chin on one strap, and put my forhead against another strap. She told me to look straight ahead and keep my eyes open.. I could see a bright red light coming towards my eye, which seemed to do nothing. However, it touched my eye, ever so gently to check the pressure in my eyes. Afterwards, she had me lean my head back and placed drops in my eyes. She told me I would have trouble seeing in a few minutes and lead me back into the patient waiting area.
It was 15 minutes or so, when another assistant came and got me. This time I was lead down the hallway and into the room at the end. Dr. Picano came in and introduced himself, sat down to look over my paperwork and carried on small talk with me. We talked about nonsense, such as, we were both Italian, how long he's been practicing, what I do for work..etc. Afterwards he began an eye exam which lasted over an hour!
I was then asked to preform another another eye test! What the heck? Was I ever leaving?
I went back into the first room, but this time seated at a machine that kind of resembled an arcade game. I was asked to keep my head still, look straight ahead into these goggle looking things attached to this machine. I was then told to press this button I would hold, everytime I saw a red light. The test took about 15 minutes and seemed mildly entertaining. I was asked again, to wait for the doctor in the waiting room! WTF?
I was called about 20 minutes later by Dr. Picano. He said we needed to discuss the results. I thought..Hmm...ok...sounds good...I need to go to work and finish moving!
Dr. Picano explained calmly,"The results showed there is nothing technically wrong with your eye. Your eye is working fine. Rather, there appears to be a problem with optic nerve, which is part of your brain. It seems your brain isn't seeing the images which enter the eye."
"I don't understand? What's wrong with my vision?" I said frustrated and scared.
He took a deep breath,"Well in my opinion...I believe there's something wrong with your central nervous system. We need to do a brain MRI, as soon as possible in order to figure out what's wrong."
"Well, when do I get the MRI?"
"I've already called and they said the earliest appointment they could give you is on Monday morning because its almost 3'oclock and its Friday and they are closed for the weekend. I advise you to go home and rest. Don't perform any strenuous activities, until the results from the MRI come back."
I didn't say anything...I was confused...A problem with my central nervous system? What the heck is that? What did he mean? Why didn't I ask any further questions? Why am I so scared? What was happening to me? I want to be able to see!!!! Why can't they just fix this problem?! I held my head down in sorrow and disbelief...I was fighting back the tears...I needed to figure out who was going to run my store...and how I was going to finish moving...I became frightened at the thought of finding help...Who could help me?
I took the referral form from the woman at the desk...who kindly asked, "Are you okay?"
Just then the tears began to flow like a stream from my eyes....I sniffed my nose, politely tried to smile, and replied, "I'll be fine." I knew I wasn't fine...I was overwhelmed by fear, confused, sad and helpless...What was I going to do?
Read the beginning of this story here.
Read the next installment of this story here.
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