I became diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I went temporarily blind in my left eye and was prescribed IV solu-medrol to stop it. According to the newest research this is NOT beneficial. In fact, we should be trying to strengthen the immune system!
They are "Curing" mice from multiple sclerosis.
This is the latest research, released this week!
See the article about this here.
What does this information mean? How can we implement what they have just learned into our lives?
To begin, this information points to free radicals as the culprits to this wretched disease. Free radicals are pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides. These things are found in MRI's, x-rays, our homes, our water, and our food!
To expel free radicals from the body we must eat a diet rich in anti-oxidants, such as: colorful fruits and vegetables, vitamin A, C and E, zinc and selenium.
Another way to rid the body of free radicals is through exercise because it purifies our lymph nodes. Here's a previous post of mine titled, How Exercise Fights Multiple Sclerosis.
Strengthen your immune system against free radicals and anymore damage...see this previous post of mine titled, Strengthening the Immune System.
Another way to help your immune system is to lower your stress level. Exercise does this, as well as hobbies and things you enjoy. This may also mean you have to change your career path if you are finding it too stressful because stress weakens the immune system. Change anything and everything in your life...if you need to, to combat stress and feel great.
Depression is another culprit for stress. Here's a previous post of mine titled, How to Fight Depression Naturally.
Then the next big question, what about steroids? Should I take them?
I've heard that question so many times...
According to the latest research, you definitely should not take them because they weaken your immune system!
I have been living MS free (no symptoms) for almost 2 years now, relapse free for four years. Don't wait for the latest research to become a medicine...the drug hasn't been formulated, and it hasn't been in any clinical trials. In other words, this drug will not be available for years!
Are you going to wait years?
Why not incorporate this research into your daily life, make healthy food choices, take vitamins, exercise and combat stress and depression naturally.
It is very difficult to live a healthy life, especially in this fast paced world, but it's not impossible.
Future posts about health and nutrition will be posted to my blog on almost a daily basis so you can live happy, healthy lives and defeat this wretched disease as I have.
This post of mine titled, How I Defeated Multiple Sclerosis, describes more on how to do this.
Here's another previous post of mine titled, The Hidden Dangers of Household Chemicals.
They are "Curing" mice from multiple sclerosis.
This is the latest research, released this week!
See the article about this here.
What does this information mean? How can we implement what they have just learned into our lives?
To begin, this information points to free radicals as the culprits to this wretched disease. Free radicals are pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides. These things are found in MRI's, x-rays, our homes, our water, and our food!
To expel free radicals from the body we must eat a diet rich in anti-oxidants, such as: colorful fruits and vegetables, vitamin A, C and E, zinc and selenium.
Another way to rid the body of free radicals is through exercise because it purifies our lymph nodes. Here's a previous post of mine titled, How Exercise Fights Multiple Sclerosis.
Strengthen your immune system against free radicals and anymore damage...see this previous post of mine titled, Strengthening the Immune System.
Another way to help your immune system is to lower your stress level. Exercise does this, as well as hobbies and things you enjoy. This may also mean you have to change your career path if you are finding it too stressful because stress weakens the immune system. Change anything and everything in your life...if you need to, to combat stress and feel great.
Depression is another culprit for stress. Here's a previous post of mine titled, How to Fight Depression Naturally.
Then the next big question, what about steroids? Should I take them?
I've heard that question so many times...
According to the latest research, you definitely should not take them because they weaken your immune system!
I have been living MS free (no symptoms) for almost 2 years now, relapse free for four years. Don't wait for the latest research to become a medicine...the drug hasn't been formulated, and it hasn't been in any clinical trials. In other words, this drug will not be available for years!
Are you going to wait years?
Why not incorporate this research into your daily life, make healthy food choices, take vitamins, exercise and combat stress and depression naturally.
It is very difficult to live a healthy life, especially in this fast paced world, but it's not impossible.
Future posts about health and nutrition will be posted to my blog on almost a daily basis so you can live happy, healthy lives and defeat this wretched disease as I have.
This post of mine titled, How I Defeated Multiple Sclerosis, describes more on how to do this.
Here's another previous post of mine titled, The Hidden Dangers of Household Chemicals.
I'd love to cure my MS... but so far, diet has had little effect. I have been on the Wahls diet for 15+ months, and all I have to show for it is a great cholesterol score - 100! I'm still EDSS 8+. Losing faith...
ReplyDeletePlease don't lose hope...I had an EDSS score of 5.5 before I changed my life and I now leg press 770 pounds! I have been recently talking with people like myself who have defeated MS. What I am suggesting in my posts isn't easy... It must be very difficult and painful for you to move, but you need to. Have someone assist you (or higher a physical therapist), and try even lifting soup cans, wave your arms from side to side and get your blood pumping. You may want to consider detoxing your body to help speed up the purification process in conjunction with your diet. This book will also help http://www.scribd.com/doc/98093618/Take-Control-of-Your-Health-12-Edition. If you have any questions feel free to ask :) God Bless you, I will keep you in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to be negative, and I'm happy you're better - but as I reread your blog, it was not diet/detox/exercise that started your improvement, it was getting off tegretol...
DeleteThe tegretol was definitely fueling my symptoms, but it wasn't what was causing them. Prescription medications can definitely harm your body with their toxic effects. I "awoke" after I stopped it because I was suffering with side effects from the medication, My MS symptoms began to feel better after I started exercising.
DeleteI will share these things with others I know with these conditions to help.
DeleteBut you and the people you know are amazing- but from what ive seen and know you are the exceptions. That isn't a criticism and promoting exercise and healthy diet is never a bad thing.
And I'm going to try the amino acid supplements cause it cant hurt (i dont have MS a different autoimmune) though I can't have milk so have to work around that and finding yoghurts that aren't soy based is seeming impossible :(
Hello Dicelta :) I have spoken to several other people recently, who have found that diet and exercise really helped or got rid of their MS symptoms. Most diets, (except the Paleo diet) doesn't promote meat as being healthy, but I have found it's essential for the amino acids and ATP. The only meat I eat is poultry/ egg based.
ReplyDeleteAn excellent company that sells dairy/ soy free products is "So Delicious." Their website has product locators :) http://sodeliciousdairyfree.com/?gclid=CMLW-7z34rECFUhnOgodU1YAiA
I also try to keep my dairy intake minimal, so I eat Greek yogurt when I'm on the go or out of chicken...out of convenience. The cooked meats found at grocery stores have sulfates in them...which are a preservative and very bad for you.
Nothing is impossible...stay positive. I'm always here if you need other alternatives or ideas.